About Me
A lot of people ask me how I started cooking... I was the grandchild who asked to do the dishes so I could be close to my Grandmother. I was able to witness her magic in the kitchen.
I loved learning how to make magnificent and loving meals by watching her create. My Grandmother taught me flexibility and creativity in the kitchen comes from within. She also showed me that an amazing healthy meal can be brought to the table in a moment's notice.
I’ve been cooking 15 years for a myriad of different groups and situations in Kona, Hawaii, and the surrounding Hawaiian Islands. Weddings, retreats or parties, I love the creative process that goes into making each event special and unique! Most of all I love introducing people to healthy organic food and the satisfaction of proving that healthy food can be extraordinarily satiating and nourishing.
Supporting local, and or organic, means supporting our planet, our communities and our future!
The Kitchen Prayer is instrumental in
my view of the kitchen and serving people.
Kitchen Prayer
May this kitchen be so filled with peace that all who
eat food prepared here receive peace.
May this kitchen be so filled with happiness that all who eat food
prepared here receive happiness.
May this kitchen be so filled with good will that working here is a joy.
Bless this kitchen.
Bless all who work here.
Bless the food that is prepared here.
May this kitchen and the work done here be a blessing to all who live.
written by John Robbins